Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Warped VMP Records’s From Bespoke Update:

I contacted Bespoke CS about two of four records being warped and they promptly replied the same day and apologized. They asked for photos, so I sent two videos. They apologized again and sent out replacements the next day. The package showed up yesterday with replacements for ALL FOUR. VMP could learn a thing or two :)

but what would you do with more replacements?
Did we have this already?

If you can, order it directly from 4AD. They're a great label. Also, Velvet Negroni opening for Tame Impala on their tour this summer.
Anyone else get this abomination in their package?

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This looks like something Urban Outfitters would make, and then get rid of because it’s too on-the-nose and low effort. Definitely reeks of a 40-something exec thinking “what do the kids these days like? Records? The punk rock music? Emojis?”
Copies of that Mariah already being ‘sold’ on eBay by some plucky chancers/opportunistic arseholes. I actually wouldn’t mind it but the price is too dear and this definite foreshadows a wider press
Unless I read things incorrectly, this pressing isn’t limited at all and is open to the general public from the get go.

Per Storf on Reddit...