The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project

Also, the RS review of this one is overall quite favorable but also very backhanded. It’s basically Jimmy Page is a genius. Plant sucks. Bonham is Animal from the muppets and Jones is just sort of there.
Love it. His best album. Give me this and a Billy Joel greatest hits comp and I am good.
I like this album but I love Glass Houses and I reach for A Perfect Man before this as well. The Opus did a season on this (man I miss that podcast) and they said this is basically a greatest hits album and I don’t know man, it just doesn’t hit me like that.
Billy Joel is the first music after Thriller that I would call part of my DNA. I don’t remember not knowing Piano Man. It was the first music that was not introduced to me by my parents that I truly fell for.
I used to dance around the living as a small child to Thriller, An Innocent Man, and Wham’s Make It Big.
I only know Bily Joel through his Mtv hits, and frankly didn’t know what expect here. Well ”Scenes from an italian restaurant” has some enjoyable lyrics and some great hooks, while ”Just the way you are” is the antithesis of everything I find enjoyable and interesting about music and pretty much the musical equivalence of a vasectomy. The rest is mostly harmless.
I only know Bily Joel through his Mtv hits, and frankly didn’t know what expect here. Well ”Scenes from an italian restaurant” has some enjoyable lyrics and some great hooks, while ”Just the way you are” is the antithesis of everything I find enjoyable and interesting about music and pretty much the musical equivalence of a vasectomy. The rest is mostly harmless.
I barely know the MTV hits tbh ... I listened to his stuff as part of my mission to listen to the RS Top 500 Albums over lockdown, but that's most of my exposure to anything other than We Didn't Start the Fire and Uptown Girl

There are some proper mood changes in this one aren't there? Movin Out reminded me a little of early Elton John, and the Stranger shifted around a bit. Then came the double of Just the Way you are and Scenes from an Italian Restaurant and i wanted to drive spikes through my eardrums. Enough.