The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project

My wife is NOT a Radiohead fan, but I am and we have friends in a group chat that are, so we go back and forth on them. I had to screencap these two back to back reviews of the Bends and send it to them as it perfectly defines the range of feelings people have for Radiohead.

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Whomever wrote that first one has issues. Maybe an intervention needs to be staged…
Joni Mitchell ~ Hissing of Summer Lawns

New discovery for me. Familiar with other Joni, but not this one. A little more adventurous and stylistic, which I appreciated. And the way she wraps her voice around all the instrumentation is top notch as always. 4/5
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Jorge Ben Jor - Africa Brasil

This one I swapped for blind pretty early in my time with VMP. There was enough in the description that seemed to be up my alley, and it was. I very much dig it still. I've tried a couple other things from his catalogue and they just haven't done it for me, but this one has all the right grooves. 4/5

Sabu - Palo Congo

Loving the Latin grooves! This one's a 3.5 for me that could probably round up on further listens, but for now i"m rounding down.
June 14, 2021
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Elis Regina - Vento de Maio

Never heard of this before, but really digging it. A few tracks feel like really syrupy late 80s/early 90s production, but nothing that takes too much away from the enjoyment of this one. And it ends on an absolute ripper! 3.5+/4