The Ether: Feel free to scream into here


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019
Denver, CO
So yesterday we found out that my young son has an even heavier load to bear than we thought. The top four line items from the team of Pediatric Psychiatrists and fellows that are over seeing his case were: “Profound” ADHD, Dysregulation of Anger and Aggression Disorder (sadly names DAAD), a “severe” speech delay, and sensory problems with sounds and lights. Plus depression and anxiety. He’s 4.

To add to the fun, they don’t want to do more than additional counseling for us as meds have negative interactions and aren’t well vetted yet for DAAD.

Then today the police from California call and tell us that my wife’s deceased parents house, which we are trying to sell and have a buyer for, has been targeted by “habitual” breaking and entering and vandalism. Which may cost us the sale or at least thousands of dollars.
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