Canuck Record Swap Club


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
I used to be part of a few different mixed cd swap group and I thought it was great fun. Discovered a lot of great music this way. So I have been thinking awhile how to get that thrill back and came up with some sort of swap record club for us Canucks. The idea would be that you buy a record for another member. At the same time you would receive a record from another member. It could be a record that you think is amazing and want to turn people onto or that you just want to open the eyes of someone to a new genre.

I am pretty blinkered and rarely buy new releases. This was something that I loved about mixed cd swaps, but also what I got from VMP when I joined way back when.

Not sure of the mechanics yet but curious if this is something other Canucks would be interested in doing this?

This is what I have been thinking right now:
  • We set a max price ($40? $50?) excluding shipping
  • We do it every other month (maybe plan for February, April and June first to see how it works but also willing to start it sooner.)
  • We share our discogs collections (if we have them) with each other so to hopefully prevent getting duplicates
  • You would change swappers each round
  • Probably easier to buy the item online and have hit mailed directly to the recipient, at least for those of us who do not live near a record store. Can you do gift purchases from Discog sellers?
  • Probably best to deal with new (shrink wrapped) records unless you can confirm that quality of the pressing
Trying to tag as many canucks as I can remember (probably missing a bunch so feel free to tag them as well)
@avecigrec @Turbo @Mather @Hollywood @AudioAce @bdrummond @4080

Thoughts? The idea sound amazing? Stupid? Meh?
Sounds cool. I'd be in.

One though regarding max price... what if the record you want to send happens to be less expensive, say $30. Could that cause resentment from the person receiving it if they spent closer to the max?

Wouldn't on my end, but wondering aloud.
I'm good with everything you suggested by the way. I'm ok with starting in Feb, or earlier if we can get running before then. Whenever.
I love the idea. And February feels like a reasonable start time to plan for on my end - any sooner would feel much more stressful.

My friends and I were doing something similar locally on a mostly monthly basis for a while, but a breakup in the core group put that on pause (of course when I was at least a month ahead buying others their records! 😂 We would set up our name draw every month to exclude whomever we'd had previous until we hit a full cycle of everybody getting one for everybody and then start again - which made for fun trying to figure out who had who in the first couple of months and then pretty much knowing who had who for the end. Doing it local allowed for playtesting used records on the occasion they'd come into play but for the most part, people picked up new ones. We also all had a decent understanding of everybody having different means and some having fluctuating incomes, so there were never any issues in that regard and things generally stayed reasonable for all parties.

Definitely a fun way to discover new music, and occasionally just grab something you know someone would love but for some reason doesn't already have.
Sounds cool. I'd be in.

One though regarding max price... what if the record you want to send happens to be less expensive, say $30. Could that cause resentment from the person receiving it if they spent closer to the max?

Wouldn't on my end, but wondering aloud.
I am of the same thought. Maybe set the price low, $30 and if you want to go higher then that is fine but no one should feel obliged to spend a ton.
In terms of swap, are you intending on creating pairs or more like a secret-santa thing? Either is good tbh, just curious.
Depending on numbers, yes pretty much do a draw and pair people up, but they would know who they are buying for.
I love the idea and I wish you all well but I just have zero space left so I'm basically at one in one out. So I'm going to pass for now. But I think it's great and I hope you guys do it.
Glad to see some interest. I will work on fleshing out ideas over the next week or so and people can decide if this is of interest to them. Like I said the whole idea is to be fun and hopefully discover some new (to you) music.
Hi, thanks for the heads up about this and sorry for the delayed response. I'm going to have to pass for now since I'm out of storage space in my apartment and am trying to save some money. Looking forward to seeing what other people receive though!