Needles & Grooves

B/S/T marketplace is for the exchange/sale of records & gear. Not discount codes for an outdoor clothing store. Your example threads are all in a miscellaneous sub-forum, where they rightfully belong.
Mr Moore
Mr Moore
Yeah @Colonel_Angus - spin this one how you like but nobody (including staff) would have had any problem if somebody were to try and sell/trade their DVDs, books, hell even clothes from Patagonia. You can claim otherwise but it would be disingenuous. I stand by it being a wank decision that kowtowed to a vocal minority.
I agree with Mr. Moore. I also want to add that the vocal minority didn’t just have a problem with the item being sold, they made a lot aggressive and harsh judgments about the OP for making the post in the first place. Then they get awarded for their uncool behavior.
your thoughts are noted.

the thread in question (now deleted- but for anyone unaware a thread in b/s/t selling a 40% discount code for outdoors retailer patagonia) was brought to staffs attention by a moderator when it was posted. we spent some time discussing it and allowing for other staff to chime in, which took a few hours before we eventually acted. there was no kowtowing to anyone.
we ultimately felt the marketplace was for members to sell music and audio and so it was decided that that thread would be deleted, but not before we gave everybody a chance to see why that decision was made.
as for the discussion within the thread, i don’t disagree it could have been more civil and reactions tempered. but i do disagree fully with the idea that our action was buckling to the opinions of any the thread participants- that is not what we did at all. even the op said in their first post that if it was against protocol to let them know, and that is what we discussed and ultimately acted on in the end.
might I suggest in the future either making the call sooner, or locking the discussion down if there’s a question like this because with the directions the conversation took followed by y’alls actions it created a certain impression for folks to take away. And as I’m sure y’all are all well aware, it doesn’t matter what the thing is but what it looks like. The appearance of impropriety is impropriety itself.
Also, if you’re going to limit the types of items available to post in the sale forum, I would recommend making a sticky post laying out the guidelines for what can be bought and sold there. I would also humbly suggest that y’all add in a prohibition against thread crapping in sale threads.
Any post designed to interfere with the sale of an item is a sure fire guaranteed way to start an argument. To reference big worm from the movie Friday, when you fuck with peoples money then you’re fucking with their emotions.
High Rant District
High Rant District
@Mr Moore I didn't see the thread so can't offer an informed opinion on it. However, are you reacting to just this one thread, or is this a behavior you've seen repeatedly? I ask because your reaction seems strong (unless you were the OP).
Mr Moore
Mr Moore
@High Rant District - not the OP, just surprised/disappointed to see it removed. My original point is that the thread could have so easily been ignored by anybody who didn't want to buy what was being sold but of course, people chose not to and staff proceeded to remove it for whatever reasons they state above.