Needles & Grooves

Yes and sometimes performer. Depends on why i will listen to a particular recording. So like all the Yo-Yo Ma is together. All the Bernstein is together. All the Mozart that doesn’t fall under a performer or conductor goes under Mozart. I also collect the old “Great Performances” series from CBS and have them segregated as well.
Same as @Lee Newman, I reckon. Yo Yo Ma and Kronos Quartet have their own sections as performers, but most is filed by composer. I'm not invested enough to really give a rip about conductor.
Yeah, I prioritize Performer, then Conductor, then Composer, but I was curious what others do. I used to have Classical on it's own, but I only have 30-40 classical albums out of a collection of 750 so I'm trying to put them with the rest as I re-listen to them.
There’s a couple of composers who stand out to me - Von Karajan is another off the top of my head. Fiedler too, but he just ends up with Boston Pops. Orchestra can be performer too. This matters way more in my cd collection. I decided quite some time ago that classical and vinyl are not as compatible as I’d like.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Composer and then conductor/performer within each composer.
That is madness. By opus number.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
It works for me, when I want to listen to Classical I generally think “I want to listen to Bach” or “I want to Satie” etc and then pick the performance I’m feeling from within the music I have by that composer.