Needles & Grooves

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I am not one of those people. Just in case the previous status update seemed to indicate as such.
I didn't think so. Didn't mean to imply as such... just the fact that there is a company that is like here buy my $12k piece of furniture with a turntable and speakers built in.... Or the fact that they sell a $4k compact version.... or that on Vinyl factory there was a picture of a $500 turntable stand thing that had a crosley in it.....
A few year's back before I had my current job I saved up enough money to go buy a nice watch. It was more money than I'd ever spent on well... almost anything. And I proudly strode into the fancy watch store and announced that I was there to buy... a fancy watch. There were numerous fancy displays each being lorded over by fancy looking salespeople, it was all... very fancy.
I told the attendant what brand of watch I would be buying, and they directed me to the equivalent of the chewing gum display that sits next to cash registers in convenience stores. A single cheap glass case that housed all the "discount" watch brands that didn't have their own fancy attendants. The watches that you buy on a whim on your way out the door because you have a bit of extra pocket change.
I purchased my "budget" watch and slunk out of the store feeling decidedly less fancy. No matter how fancy you think you are, there's always people way fucking fancier than you. And they will let you know it.
I mean I don't even want to think about how much money you spent on that watch nor how much money people spend on watches. I thought my versa 2 fitbit was extravagant.
There is the crazy dude in the recent Washington post article about hunting perfect sound who has cables hanging from the ceiling to prevent them screwing with the sound and giant ass speakers the size of my fridge ...
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or boring german guy talking about going over to his friends house to listen to Dark Side on his extravagant speakers.... I mean this is the dude that buys og/erc/ap/mofi of fucking EVERYTHING to compare to a Tone Poet.....
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