Needles & Grooves

I have been agonizing over this decision for weeks. But I have to decide firmly today. On the one hand, it’s comfortable to stay where I’m at and advance up - but that’s the only advancement I can make. On the other, the new place is much more professional and engaging as it’s a totally different teaching method. It’s more how I would want to teach as a lead. The issue is change, less security with loss of benefits.
Tough decision and I understand the difficulty making it. Benefits, like health insurance and any form of 401k matching can really add up so think about that value too. But personal fulfillment and having a job that intellectually satisfies, outweighs money to me (after cost of living).
Think where you want to be in ten years. The time will pass no matter what you do, but what ten years will you enjoy more both during and where it'll take you?
I'm in a similar boat because education is a rough place to be these days and I'm sick of admins and government interference.
But with my health I can't risk my benefits, so I'm nervous to go to a new school with less security.
I do feel like I would be more fulfilled leaving, but the thing that keeps stopping me are the benefits. i don't use my health insurance much, but it's great to have it and the price isn't bad. But yeah I also have a 401K matched by employer. And get multiple days time off a month that add up. But, I have felt stuck here. I left this job last year and wound up coming back bc where I went was so horrible.