Needles & Grooves

Listening to it rn
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Is it on streaming too? I’ll stick it in the queue if it is but I’m going to have to hold off buying it until my local lists because it’s really expensive to buy off Bandcamp!
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Well yes, yes it is. That will be on in a little while then!
Very orchestral. Completely different from anything else they've done.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
@Turbo oooh now I’m excited. Nine felt a little tired as the 5th in 2 years so if they’ve moved on again I’m all for that!
Sounds more like a film score 🤷‍♂️
Oooh we finally have vocals 🙌
It doesn’t really sound like a Sault album to me at all? Need to give another listen but…
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Yeah I get it. It’s almost a neo classical opera. That said what is Sault? Does it have a defined sound? As a collective led by a producer isn’t it more exciting if it can just be whatever it wants to he at any given time?
@Joe Mac You nailed it! It's a collective that remains mostly mysterious and likes to reinvent themselves after each release, which I might add are usually surprise dropped
@Joe Mac i think they have a fairly defined sound across their first 5 albums. Their sound evolves but you can still tell it’s a Sault album if you hear a track from those records. This feels completely out of left field and seems like a completely different side project. I need to listen to it more but on first listen it’s easily my least favorite of theirs.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
I get that but equally it Is also basically a vehicle run by Inflo with Cleo Sol to promote black culture and black issues. Beyond them it’s essentially anonymous with no defined membership. It doesn’t have limits or boundaries as such and it isn’t really a traditional band where you have an overriding style or narrative, it’s capable of going wherever he, and the collaborators he has chosen to work with, decide.
Just recently started listening to them after finding out Little Simz’s producer is heavily involved. Her albums have such great production, and also love what I’ve heard from Sault so far. Grabbed 4 of the albums on vinyl recently. Interested to hear this new one based on the descriptions here.
Right. I know it’s mostly Inflo, Cleo and whoever else they want to collaborate with and that’s awesome. Glad they are trying something new and it’s impressive. I’ll listen again but just didn’t enjoy it the first time around…Which is a bummer since I loved their first 5.