Needles & Grooves

Was told that’s common now unfortunately, but we most definitely shipped them.... today they were finally dropped off and there’s movement.
Bs or naw?
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Could go either way. I had a package do that, sit at “awaiting drop off” for a couple weeks until I emailed the post office in Jacksonville directly and told the postmaster there that the retailer told me it was dropped off there. They hemmed and hawed and nicely blew me off by email. Then low and behold it changed and started moving 24 hours later.
I had a similar experience. Something was “awaiting shipment” at USPS for WEEKS. Then suddenly it was “out for delivery” and arrived that day. USPS is the wild west right now.
I’ve also found certain hubs are not great at scanning. Things disappear or hop around or are “in route to the next facility” then wind up on my doorstep.
Tortured Diaper Baby Dept
Tortured Diaper Baby Dept
Also, look at the company....are they reputable, have you ordered before with no problems? If so, I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt. Plus, yea, mail is a CF tsunami right now.
I mean it was probably just the whole blow off feel of the response. No kind of apology or steps for follow up. Yeah, I’ve ordered from them before, if it was a first time I probably wouldn’t be as bothered/wouldn’t order again.
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I mailed five records on Sunday, two to Canada, two to the states and one to Ireland by boat. I'm very eager to see whether the boat beats USPS.
Sleeve City?
Same exact thing just happened to me with Fat Beats. Label printed July 23. Checked tracking and it scanned/accepted by USPS just a few days ago and only started moving today.
Check my post in the discogs thread @Lee Newman seems like its the wild west USPS show at the moment.
Yeah, @Tillman . I mean I happy the sleeves are on their way and they’ve been great in the past, it was just... “it is what it is.”
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Delta Don
Delta Don
You get on Instagram live and trash them the entire time and drop their @ in the comments.
Boom. Roasted.
I would assume it's USPS. Every time I file an investigation claim my packages remarkably move the next day
The Denmarkian Wonder
The Denmarkian Wonder
I've got a package a friend sent me on 29/7 from TX and after a few days of "in route to next facility" it hasn't updated since 8/2. But i'm not worried, it's only 14 records, 11 of which are OOP (Music Matters Jazz and VMP).
Wife- Honey, how was the work trip? Was Texas okay?

Mather- Yes dear, it was delightful.

-tosses black sharpie onto the table-

There will be a package arriving shortly. Pay no attention to the scratched out address, it's meant to be here. It was always meant to be here.
This happens to me all the time. I drop of stuff and it tracking either doesn't update at my local post office, or it takes a week and now sometimes two for them to actually process it and move it along.
Jonathan Y
Jonathan Y
I have a package in pre-shipment since 7/30, the company sent another copy on Monday priority expedited, and now that one is too in pre-shipment since Monday lol Things are wild right now for sure! I got a record off cogs that hasnt been scanned since USPS got the item in their possession last week now just says in transit arriving late