Needles & Grooves

What do you have access to cleaning-wise? Do you have a record cleaning machine? A lot of people seem to recommend the wood glue method but I’ve never been brave enough to try it...
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Im going to go with the wood glue method I think. I tried using isopropyl alcohol and soap. The record is incredibly clean as a result, but the marks are still there.
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Yea--I've never tried Wood Glue method but people do seem to swear by it. I think I'd only try it on a valuable record if nothing else worked and I got the album for cheap. I stay away from all moldy records now because it can spread like wildfire into your other records...
Yeah im usually the same with mould. I bought a record for 50p without fully realising what the marks were. Im just going to have a go at everything, at the end of the day it didnt cost me much. Im starting to imagine it might be stained though. At the very least alcohol should of faded it but it hasnt.
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You could try an enzyme cleaner if the isopropyl doesn't work.

I disagree that mold spreads. Mold spores are everywhere in your house already. If you provide the right conditions, it will grow, but if you don't have damp jackets, you should be fine.

Doubt you can get rid of the smell of a moldy jacket though, so if that bugs you, then tossing it is a good idea.
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Also, I would highly recommend investing in some sort of record cleaning machine if you don't have one. In the long run, it has saved me a ton of money. I've purchased lots of used jazz records that people thought were G/VG and they just needed a deep clean.
@dhodo maybe i am overexaggerating about it spreading around and it does depend on the conditions. I just get paranoid about that kinda stuff especially since I've seen some collections ruined due to mold. And moldy jackets in particular are nasty to deal with. It seems to be impossible to get rid of that smell.
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@MikeH, I've heard that too, but it doesn't make any sense to me. There are mold spores everywhere already, so I don't see how bringing in more changes anything. Wonder if it comes from people with a damp record collection problem trying to blame it on external factors.