Needles & Grooves

Oh trust me, I'm super paranoid. I've had Amazon preorders never ship, and if they're damaged good luck getting a replacement. Amazon is the last place I wanted to order from... but here we are... hopefully they pack them properly and they arrive in good shape...
My card was just charged by amazon UK for these. It’s happening people !!
I mean I know I have no hope of these arriving intact and without horrid pressing issues, but I had to take my shot. I suspect these are some seriously slapped together reissues. I hope I'm wrong but I'm expecting pressed by Optimal or Rainbo and super thin single pocket jackets. Really hope I'm wrong.
And yep, my card just got charged too. THAT'S A GOOD THING
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
It’s Europe so it won’t be Rainbo thank fuck! I’m expecting another GZ with heavenly being a U.K. Independent label. I’m more worried about the mastering with this one tbh given when it was originally released. I hope it’s had a nice new dynamic master especially for vinyl.
I actually placed another order from the US uDiscover store with a 20% off code. Amazon was the cheaper option but the fact that they aren't available anymore and the color mock up went away was making me nervous. I can't mess around with these! :). Now hopefully it's not too late to cancel my UK uDiscover order.
Ha, if they send me black vinyl I will send them a letter bomb.

Kidding FBI.

But actually I don't think these are even being released on black vinyl. I can't find any mention of that anywhere... But the fact that they got rid of the colour photo is concerning.
I’ve seen that they’re not releasing these in black vinyl
I'm sure I'll kick myself for not keeping my Amazon UK order and saving $30. But I figure that extra is for a little piece of mind. Plus, since they don't give tracking I'd be disappointed every day I got home and they weren't there.
I just received email notification from then that “The Last Broadcast” has shipped. No mention of the other 2, and they are currently listed as unavailable.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Nothing here but I know my local is getting all 3 in so if my card doesn’t clear by tomorrow morning I’ll set off early tomorrow morning and pick them up on my way into work and cancel the amazon.
My original uDiscover order shipped today. Should get in 10-14 days.
Yeah my whole Amazon order shipped although one shipped separately so... Here comes the fear...
ALTHOUGH, if they keep with the shipping method of large outer box with smaller record box contained within, I don't think you could fit more than two albums in that box along with the bubble wrap they use so that MIGHT be why one shipped on its own.
I am just waiting on Lost Souls to ship, which is of course is the one I'm most anxious for lol but Lost Broadcast and Some Cities have been shipped!
Amazon UK typically ships in a thin cardboard mailer. Never personally had any problems but I don't think they the mailer in a box like Amazon US.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
@dbarila historically yes, but I’ve had nothing but in a mailer in a big box with the oversized bubble over the last 6 months.
Well considering two of them show as shipping in the same package I'm assuming they are both together in a larger box. However it's equally as likely they've duct taped the two records together and slapped a shipping label on the jacket.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
I’ve not seen amazon U.K. do the no mailer at all trick...

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Well if it's gunna happen to anyone... It's me. I also have this slightly sick feeling that these releases might pop up everywhere in a week and I could have gotten them locally... I mean they say they're numbered but we have no idea how many, the Amazon images show one record with a number over 3000 so it's at least 3500 each, likely more.