Recent content by vinyldoneright

  1. V

    Record cleaning - what's your method?

    I am more in the tergitol camp as I have used triton X-100 for years with other boutique cleaning fluids. I have the recordings to back up my preference but to each their own
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    Record cleaning - what's your method?

    Ilfotol is better than is the recipe come up with by an organic chemist who is a vinyl ripper. There are a lot more variations and a rinse solution but I'll not cloud this with those. This just flat out works, no U/S needed but a RCM helps a lot. The key is the mechanical...
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    (Northern) California knows how to party

    Been here for years but it was hot today :)
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    (Northern) California knows how to party

    Native Texan living in the Sacramento area
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    Totally Tubular: The Tube Thread

    My Budgie with Phillips (Amperex made) 7308's
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    Black Sabbath - Born Again great album horrible production.

    Black Sabbath - Born Again great album horrible production.
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    Original First Pressing
  8. V

    Welcome - Introduce Yourself Here

    Hi there Glad to have found this place hope and look forward to the forums