Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

One of my biggest pet peeves as a photographer is F-ing selective color editing into a B&W photo, so this Angel Olsen exclusive is DEAD TO ME on principle alone. God dammit. I hate it so much. It ranks right up there with crooked horizons in landscape photos. Artistic nails on a chalkboard. Whichever chump suggested and then went so far as to get this abomination pushed through should be publicly mocked forever.
I will now forever think of you when I see those terrible black and white pictures of children in old-fashioned clothing with pink cheeks.
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Given Storf’s view on Tool I’d be surprised if we get any exclusives of them.
Also, I think I am roughly the same age as Storf and the jocks at my school thought Tool was “gay” they were way more into Metallica (Loaded, anyone?), Pantera, Korn, Limp Bizkit, Rage Against the Machines, etc... the artsy goth kids who were into NIN and Marilyn Manson were way more into Tool (though there was some crossover) I think Tool was too “weird” for most the jocks when they were looking for angry aggro mook bangers to get swole too.
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Given Storf’s view on Tool I’d be surprised if we get any exclusives of them.
I remember seeing a tweet from him a while back where he gave Weird Al shit because he said Al made his living "making fun of fat people." Because clearly if there's one person in the music industry who is problematic, it's fucking Weird Al of all people.

If something an artist said or did rubbed you the wrong way, or you dislike an artist by association, then that's well within your right to not like them. But personally I wouldn't want someone who can't look past their own personal biases and experiences to have a position of influence curating albums for a wide audience.
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