The Funhouse - The Punks are all right

Quite enjoying this Mission of Burma.

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Is the guy in front Jerry from Parks and Rec? Do Tom and Andy know he was in a punk band? (One that appears to be dads in khakis? I guess that’s actually pretty punk)
Well considering they started in the late 70s, they are more like granddads in comfortable slacks instead of 'dads in khakis'
Alright, I'm trying Generic by Flipper again. Life is Cheap sounds like a Dalek is the new singer for an even more amateurish Black Flag.

Also, the revelation that Black Flag practiced 8 hours a day 6 days a week in Our Band is astonishing, because on album - to date, they seem to get sloppier and sloppier. So weird. I have a live album for them coming up soon, maybe that will change my opinion... I was listening to Everything Went Black yesterday morning and even the stuff I knew sounded better on it, so I am either getting acclimated or they chose the worst versions of songs for albums...
Early Flag and late Flag are very different. Keith and Dez as singers, songs were shorter. If you like this era, check out Keith when he moved over to the Circle Jerks and even later with the first few Off! EPs and albums. Later era Flag with Rollins went through an evolution in their music. Much of the material on Slip It In, My War, Family Man, etc were all recorded around the same time. Ginn was experimenting more, songs got longer, Chuck Dukowski left and the lyrics were more complicated. Flag would show up and play most of their new album no one had heard and some folks liked it, some folks threw stuff and abused the band. Husker Du, Black Flag and Minutemen on SST were all classic releases.
I did think the first song which kind of aped on Rollins’ style was kind of funny..
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Looks like a good compilation.
Sure, why not, got this version
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2 reasons-

1. I don’t have to feel compelled to listen to anymore shitty late period Black Flag
2. It’s the motherfucking Minutemen!
It’s another great thing about punk. There’s enough flavors to go around. Most of the hardcore stuff I pass on (except I have a soft spot for late 80s-early 90s skate/thrash because nostalgia) but there’s such a breadth and depth across both coasts to dig into.