What's Spinning

One of my whales. I couldn't check out fast enough 😢
ahh man, sorry to hear that! Scalpers were def. scooping this one up sadly.. Crazy enough, I had only heard some songs from them here and there along with there debut (Which I love) and last year I happened to be doing 420 things on 4/20 when it went up in the middle of the night so I streamed the album and I instantly loved it. Not sure why they only did /500 for such an in demand album but hopefully after seeing how fast it sold out they'll do some more variants soon along with there debut! and give a bit of a heads up this time.

Their debut is one of my whales even more so now after getting this and Waco but i'm def. not paying $700 plus for it 👀
Another "spin" from the digital library this morning, great music for the work at hand.
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This guy lives in the Pacific Northwest and has a massive ambient discography under this name. I have a few of his LPs, and they are on the very cheap side (~$16 shipped).