Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

I saw it being shared on FB a few times yesterday, always attached to a profile with "Firstname Lastname, M.D." as the naming convention. I wouldn't be surprised if it's real, but it also sets off a few alarm bells for me. The lack of attribution in the graph itself doesn't do anything to lend it credibility. I'd like to see this in its original context before I put too much trust in it.

Edit: It looks like there is some sort of watermark in the upper righthand of the graph under "Data Handled by HHS," but I can't quite make it out. Doing a reverse image search doesn't take me anywhere reputable. So put me in the "validity disputed" camp for now.

Edit 2: This NYT graph shows similar data with a similar taper in mid-July:

View attachment 58748

So in that respect, at least, it does appear to be accurately displaying the number of new cases reported to the public, coinciding with the handoff from CDC to HHS. I'd still like to get more info about the source of the first image, though.
I don't think the data in the chart is really disputed by anyone, just whether or not the plateau is a result of foul play, I would certainly need to hear from a reputable source.

Edit: jinx, I type too slow

Ordering echocardiograms can play a key role in the treatment of COVID-19 patients, according to new research out of the U.K. The authors examined data from more than 1,200 patients from 69 different countries, sharing their findings in the European heart Journal – Cardiovascular Imaging.

The team found that approximately one in seven heart scans revealed severe abnormalities expected to “have a major effect” on the patient’s survival and recovery. In addition, one in three patients had their treatment plan changed specifically because of the echocardiogram’s findings.
I don't think the data in the chart is really disputed by anyone, just whether or not the plateau is a result of foul play, I would certainly need to hear from a reputable source.

Edit: jinx, I type too slow
It's one of those things that carried just enough of a whiff of questionable origin that I was a little suspicious. There's so much misinformation that I might be getting too hypervigilant.
I can stay off Twitter and Facebook to avoid the anti-maskers and virus hoaxers, but unfortunately I have to work with a couple. Just now, five minutes before I began typing this, he's walking around telling everyone here at work not to get tested because they are giving you Covid with these tests. It's just so irresponsible to spread this kind of info.

He also showed me that his phone now has a Covid Infection Tracker app that he didn't install and can't uninstall and said we all have that tracker. (I checked, I don't)
I let him know that he can simply ditch his phone if he wants to get off the grid and he laughed, like that's an impossibility.
I can stay off Twitter and Facebook to avoid the anti-maskers and virus hoaxers, but unfortunately I have to work with a couple. Just now, five minutes before I began typing this, he's walking around telling everyone here at work not to get tested because they are giving you Covid with these tests. It's just so irresponsible to spread this kind of info.

He also showed me that his phone now has a Covid Infection Tracker app that he didn't install and can't uninstall and said we all have that tracker. (I checked, I don't)
I let him know that he can simply ditch his phone if he wants to get off the grid and he laughed, like that's an impossibility.
But I thought we weren't getting tracked until they implant the micro chip in the vaccine??? I can't keep it all straight anymore.
Working if you accept a much higher than average death toll.

We could never do what Sweden did as an entire country, but perhaps a more measured approach is needed on a state by state or even county by county basis. Our country is more akin to the entire European Union in terms of heterogeneity and population, but our healthcare system is a mess and our population is extremely individualistic.

However, Sweden got hammered for their approach and their deaths per million are better than Belgium, UK, Spain, and Italy. We also don't have the full picture yet. Spain has relatively unaffected areas spiking again, and I fully expect second waves come fall/winter in other countries that locked down hard unless a vaccine comes.

We will be able to make that "death toll" call next year, but it was too early to excoriate their approach given their specific circumstances back in April/May or even now.

Hopefully a wake up call to hoaxers - especially high risk category people.
Cain was a warrior for their cause of disinformation right up until the end.

23 hours ago:

I think his commentary surrounding masks and social distancing was reprehensible. His Twitter account appeared to have been run by his staff and he still is responsible for what is posted, but this vaccine hesitancy is warranted in my view.

Context is important - I’m far from an anti-vaxxer, my kids have had all their vaccines, and I get the flu jab every year (along with anything else I’m due for). That being said, I think it’s natural for people to be wary of rushing out to get a vaccine that is for a coronavirus when no other vaccine for that class of virus has ever been created, in 1/4 the time any safe/effective vaccine has ever been developed.

A lot is unknown about mRNA vaccines (like the Moderna and Pfizer ones being tested as opposed to the Oxford or Valneva ones), and if that is what is released it will be the first of its type released in an absurdly short amount of time. Because of this, I will be hesitant to get one right away. SARS-CoV-2 disguises itself as human RNA (SARS-CoV-2 disguises its own genetic material to facilitate infection). There is some concern about long term effects (sound familiar?) of the autoimmune variety that might not be evident until months after inoculation.

Given the IFR of my age (34) and health (regular extensive bloodwork, no comorbidities) is <0.05% and the risk of adverse reaction is unquantifiable, I’d hope others would be understanding of my reticence to hurry up and get jabbed.

This is not to say that I will definitely wait to get a vaccine if the information from the Phase 3 clinical trials show the risks of adverse effects are less than any adverse effects of me or someone who I have close contact with on a regular basis has of getting seriously ill from the virus, but if I took this poll I'd probably be counted among the 70% dumb-dumb headed hillbillies.