Welcome - Introduce Yourself Here

Was on the old forum for a brief stint (under ThirstyMonk) but then real life took over. Thought this was be a good chance to plug back in. Currently residing in Memphis, TN and listening to those Kate Bush reissues every week.
Ha! Yes! Memphis! I moved the fam out to the sticks in Dyersburg, but Memphis will always be home.
Well done to everyone who's been involved in setting this up. It was awesome to see how quickly people mobilised and got this set up. My name's Darren and I live in Adelaide, Australia. Three kids under 8 doesn't leave a whole lot of time for listening to records but I make the most of every opportunity I can. Grew up in the nineties so still have a soft spot for alternative rock, these days listen mostly to hip hop and dad rock. Glad to be able to keep the conversation going!

Never did this on the last forum so might as well now! My name’s Paddy, from the west of Ireland originally but based in Dublin these days so I can write shit code in a computer for money. Mostly listening to rappity raps, beeps and boops, jazz doots, and metal these days.

Shout out to the mods and other forum regulars for setting this up; you guys are the best.