Supergrass - The Strange Ones 1994-2008 Boxset


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
After having this pre ordered for a few months on Amazon this finally came in ($166 USD, not bad considering I've seen it go for over 200 elsewhere)

As a huge Supergrass fan - this has everything, and the posters/pins etc are awesome

The picture discs - look I am no picture disc hater, and TBH I think that the whole "picture discs sound really bad because of X Y and Z" seem for at least for the ones I own, not really affected by those issues. That said, these sound terrible, really bad. A few skip, and while that is a drag, more so, they just do not sound good (I have three more to listen to, but half is more than enough to make this statement). A huge let down, and I get it, people already said the picture discs were not a good idea, but this is a huge disappointment , and owning every studio record on vinyl is why I bought the box.

The CD live/outtakes are awesome, and there is plenty here to dive into, that alone is at least worth some part of this price (Road to Ruin era is completely underrated IMO). The book is good, but really doesn't go into their origins or even too deep into the recordings. I know there is the documentary, but it would have been nice to just got a little bit deeper.

Any super (no pun intended) Supergrass fan should probably own this for the 4 CDs of extras alone, but wow, the vinyl side of this was a HUGE miss. It's hard not to see this as a cash grab. The shining light in all of this- Supergrass are/were GREAT. Of all the brit pop bands, Supergrass were the most consistent, and IMO the Road to Ruin LP is a crowning achievement of the early 00s, a total melding of Neil Young On the Beach era meets Buzzcocks on downers.

Anyone else get this box? Thoughts?
Huge fan, have my tickets for their LA show in April. I would really love to grab this set but was too put off by the picture discs. I have OGs of the first two albums and would really like Rouen and the s/t on vinyl. I was holding out for individual reissues not on picture discs.
Ive been waiting to hear what people though of the picture discs and this has put me right off! Especially for the money they are asking for the boxset.

Will wait until there is a price drop i think and then pull the trigger
The picture discs - look I am no picture disc hater, and TBH I think that the whole "picture discs sound really bad because of X Y and Z" seem for at least for the ones I own, not really affected by those issues. That said, these sound terrible, really bad. A few skip, and while that is a drag, more so, they just do not sound good (I have three more to listen to, but half is more than enough to make this statement). A huge let down, and I get it, people already said the picture discs were not a good idea, but this is a huge disappointment , and owning every studio record on vinyl is why I bought the box.

I've got the boxset and I've gone through the first three albums, no skips, quiet pressing, sounded really good (to my ears and with my setup, at least - maybe higher end gear would make their flaws more apparent? idk).

I wish they'd just do a normal reissue of the albums.

That would have been ideal, proper art work and all.
I caved on this with the target sale. It's a really nice set, I have OGs of the first two albums so I went straight for the 3rd s/t record and the it sounds pretty decent, especially for a picture disc. I love the extras in the box so I'm really happy to have it. They were such a consistent and underrated band. Can't wait to see them on April Fool's Day.
There were a lot of great shows I was planning on going to this month, but I was most excited for Supergrass. I had tickets to see them at their LA show at the Wiltern and then a super small show the next night in Hollywood. Hope it can be rescheduled.
Ive just bit the bullet and ordered this as the price dropped to the lowest ive seen on amazon plus its my birthday coming up in a couple of weeks. Im also going to sell my UK original of I Should Coco to offset costs. Will report back on how the records sound!