MoFi UltraDeck / StudioDeck Owners and those interested

New user....both of the forum and an Ultradeck.

This might be an odd question, but I ordered an Ultradeck with UltraTracker...but, visually, the cartridge on mine is the dark grey with white writing that I can only find evidence on the web is a MasterTracker. Does anyone know of a way without a microscope to ID what cartridge I"m listening to....?

Secondary related question: has anyone compared the AT 750ml (I think that's the version with the aluminum body?) to the MasterTracker?

I've had it a couple weeks. Very happy with how it tracks and sounds. BUT...I was assuming I was listening to a nude elliptical...which I'd replace with a (third party) microline when it wore out. If I'm indeed listening to their $800 Microline....I feel like I maybe need to put a third party on while I'm still in the return window and make sure my satisfaction with the deck upgrade isn't MOSTLY to do with the cartridge.

It's been awhile, but deja vu. See posts 1372, 1380 & 1615. I never did get a definitive answer.
Maybe I got one sitting around from the same mystery era!

Issuing correction on my secondary query: the model is the AudioTechnica 740ML, the 750 is for the Shibata. Same aluminium cartridge...different styli. I should've googled first. To be fair--it's because I liked the Shibata on my vm95 more than the microline, so I go back and forth on which stylus I want to go on their higher end cart.
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I’d assume OP doesn’t want to spend $800 on a replacement cart when this cart is done.

@JamieLang quite a few folks here have carts cheaper than the Mastertracker that they like on the UD
Mofi has a trade in program. Call upscale or music direct. They don’t publish the details, but I vaguely remember seeing something like $600 to trade in/upgrade within the mofi line.
Because I need to see how much of the improvement I hear is the deck vs the cartridge.

The 750ML is an annual’ish $210 spend on a stylus. Not $800….and is by spec the closest AT comes to what they made for the MasterTracker.

When I first got it, I was confused how they got an elliptical to track some of the demanding records I use to align styli-stress tests….at some point, I saw reference to only the mastertracker having white lettering…and I thought “hey-mine has white lettering”…tracking mysteries solved.

I have the ultratracker and put on the ultimate test record, Chet Baker - Picture of Heath Tone Poet. Notorious got skipping and tracking errors, i could never get it to play right on my old AT120. UD/UT tracked it absolutely perfect, zero issues.
One can always replace a more expensive cart with a cheaper one once it is worn; you don’t have to give up something you like right now.

Regardless, retipping a Microline stylus would likely be $250 - $300, versus replacement at $800.
Again, it’s not $800 to replace with the trade in program. It’s likely much closer to the cost of a retip but you get to keep dealer and manufacturer support.
In case anyone is interested, I took the AT vm95 off my old Technics and put it on. I have a brand new Microline styli and a worn but not showing signs of being "done" Shibata.

Both aligned without issue. Tracked like champs. I took measurements and photos before so I could get the factory cart back EXACTLY like it was...

Made it very clear how much I hate the Microline. Funny--on the Technics I would tell you I preferred the Shibata on a "good press"--IE, certainly any "audiophile company" pressing...a lot of vintage pressings where I've tracked down the OG TML cut...but, that on "lesser" mastering/pressings, the Microline was more forgiving. IE--super HOT CUT late 70s, or 80s records...some modern ones that are mastered/pressed kind of dull for some reason. With the new TT, likely the arm wire in it--it became VERY clear that the ML is scooping the 2-7khz'ish range and has more non distinct bass--while the Shibtata's bass is leaner but dynamics and hearing hte PLUCK of the bass guitar clearly "right there" rather than the ML's "there's more bass frequencies total"....and the Shibata always had a little tippy top high end roll off that annyed me on newer pressings. Nope. Here it sounded really linear. Not "bright" up there...but, just not muted.

While I wouldn't call the Shibata equivalent of whatever made me feel confident I'll keep the table. It sounded solid, and isn't expensive. As an audio engineer, I appreciate what that arm/armwire brought in terms of sheer CLARITY of differentiation between those styli. Where the old one--I coudl tell there was a difference...but, record to record I couldn't say definitively "this IS better". I can only imagine that the 750SH will be even better, which was honestly what I was about to buy for the old deck when these sales got me to go a different way.

Thought I'd report back. In case it helps anyone.