Do you make stuff?

I don't live in Louisville, or even Kentucky for the matter but was asked to be involved with the show. It's going to be at a location called Portal. (Portal – Louisville)

I will be there on 5/25 because I'm driving the 10 hours to see my art actually hanging next to some of the artists in this show as my brain is still kind of processing it all.

Thank you to everyone who's ever shared a little thumb or heart or even some of your eyeballs time. It all means more than you can really imagine.
I don't live in Louisville, or even Kentucky for the matter but was asked to be involved with the show. It's going to be at a location called Portal. (Portal – Louisville)

I will be there on 5/25 because I'm driving the 10 hours to see my art actually hanging next to some of the artists in this show as my brain is still kind of processing it all.

Thank you to everyone who's ever shared a little thumb or heart or even some of your eyeballs time. It all means more than you can really imagine.
Aw hell yea, I'll have to stop in and check it out!