Definitive Audiophile pressings

And just as a follow up to my thoughts on the new Portishead Live at Roseland, I've listened to it a few more times and done a direct comparison to the MOV. Fidelity wise they're actually pretty close, the MOV definitely holds up. But where the new press really shines is on the songs towards the end of each side, they allowed a bit more room for this pressing with less deadwax and when you get to the inner groove tracks you can tell. Where the MOV tends to get pretty congested and muddy on these tracks the new pressing is clear as day. On "Half Day Closing" as the song crescendos at the end on the MOV it kinda just turns into a brick of noise whereas the new master you can pick out individual strings and instruments, just sounds a lot clearer and cleaner. The crowd noise has been cut down and the vocals brought a bit farther forward which does kill the live sound a lot, but it's not as different from the MOV in this respect as I had initially thought HOWEVER... since they are now using all the correct tracks from the Roseland performance and not substituting other recordings in their place the new Sour Times and Roads inclusion are... not my favorite. Sour Times is kinda boppy and upbeat and Roads excludes all the clapping from the original pressing as that was not actually from the Roseland performance. Those will be down to individual preference but I'm not sure I like these versions as much even though they are the "correct" set list. All in it's a great pressing and technically speaking sounds better than the MOV, but less live, more polished and the new tracks are... ehhh...
Appreciate the details.
2 more rock albums coming in july, celebrating their 50th anniversary
Looking over releases that year, I’d bet Gordon Lughtfoot is one of the two. They have been pushing that one a bit. AWB is another favorite of theirs but I don’t know how broad they are using the term Rock. I’d say everything so far fits the general understanding of the genre.
Looking over releases that year, I’d bet Gordon Lughtfoot is one of the two. They have been pushing that one a bit. AWB is another favorite of theirs but I don’t know how broad they are using the term Rock. I’d say everything so far fits the general understanding of the genre.
give us Diamond Dogs by Bowie you cowards!!