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  • Real talk here…I love New Order, but this live set on the expanded Substance is a rough listen. They were never the most reliable live act, particularly back in the day, but is this really the best offering they could find to round out this collection?
    There was a lot of buzz around Depeche Mode’s “Memento Mori” earlier this year. I thought it was good, but kind of dull. Not many of the songs stuck with me. However, I’m enjoying OMD’s “Bauhaus Staircase” a lot. I haven’t heard much about it press wise tho..
    It hits pretty much every sonic era of OMD in one album. They own up to basically making a Goldfrapp track on ‘Slow Train’, but my guess is Alison is probably more flattered than anything. Lots of Kraftwerk bits here and there too. Really enjoyable listen.
    Are they including digital downloads with the vinyl?
    I only got the CD for this one, so I’m not sure about the vinyl version.
    I don’t feel like everything on the new Black Pumas album works, but I do at least give them points for trying new things, and for not repeating the exact sound of the first record.
    I feel similarly. Love some of it, others not as much.
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    I like the latter half of the record quite a bit. Eric Burton sounds a bit like both Sly Stone and Curtis Mayfield on ‘Sauvignon’, which is pretty damn cool. I think the songs upfront that I’m iffy on will grow on me over time.
    But then the closing track ‘Rock And Roll’ doesn’t work at all for me.
    Been revisiting some of Grant-Lee Phillips’ early solo records in recent weeks, and I forgot what a fantastic alt-country album “Virginia Creeper” is.
    I think I’ve done a complete 180 on the new Corinne Bailey Rae album. I was really disappointed with it initially, but I’m really starting to dig the clangy & challenging nature of it.
    I’m definitely not the target audience for her music, but, I watched Ice Spice on SNL last night, and…does she usually put forth that little effort in her performances? Maybe it was a cover for nerves or something, but she looked rather bored.
    We commented on it too. I assumed the lackluster nature of it all had to do with it being on SNL which usually sounds like trash.
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    The choreography, to my eyes, consisted of a hair touch into a twerk, which was then repeated over and over until the song was over. And then it was all repeated for the second song, which felt like it was 1:45 long. I dunno what I was expecting, but more effort was certainly one thing.
    @Aron lol I kept noticing the hair touch.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Aron
    New season of Austin City Limits kicks off this weekend with Rodrigo y Gabriela featuring the Austin Symphony Orchestra. I caught the tail end of the stream of the taping months back, and what little I saw was incredible. Check your local PBS listings for airtimes, but I think this has the potential to be an all timer.

    So I guess in 2023, if your full length album is over 35 minutes, then you were indulgent in the studio? I don’t need 77 minutes of music or double albums from everybody, but, some of these new releases go by awfully quick.
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    The logic in my above comment feels rather Marty DiBergi-esque. I get it, record company’s gonna record company.
    these days i'm good with anything 40 mins to an hour. More than that, my attention starts to wane. Less than that, you've got an EP
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    My beef with Deluxe editions are that the market for those are hardcore fans. Hardcore fans already own the regular album. So why do we need a second copy, usually a 2xLP with some demos or bonus tracks? If it’s a 10 year anniversary edition then that’s fine, but otherwise so lame.
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    So…are we considering Dylan’s “Shadow Kingdom” eligible for year end lists for 2023? Not sure what the consensus is on how to classify this recording.
    Do not sleep on Will Johnson’s new album, “No Ordinary Crown”. Figured that warning might help some folks avoid having to revise their end of year lists at the last minute. Songwriting is fantastic as usual, but the production on this record is so, so good.
    My Deluxe “Tim” box arrived today. So I know what I’ll be listening to while working tomorrow. The booklet included made for some great reading this evening.
    I dig a lot of Nashville, but I don’t really love the whole Broadway bar scene part. Which is like the main part.
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    I always preferred the area around Vanderbilt to the main drag.
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    @Aron, you are spot on about the mediocre covers. I wondered why @debianlinux hated covers, then I found out that he was from Nashville.
    People from Nashville fully enjoy Nashville and never walk the strip unless they're going to the Ryman or the River. It boggles my mind that anyone even equates that garbage with the whole of the city. I think Berry Hill is probably the best overall representation of what the city actually is with close seconds going to White Bridge and Hillsboro/Belmont.
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    Stax museum was a great first stop this morning for this Memphis/Nashville trip. Embracing being a full blown music nerd tourist.
    Matt M
    Matt M
    We did the Opry and I thought it was super worth it no matter who the artist is. Headliner was Old Crow and Rhiannon Giddons, Montgomery Gentry and the guy from Blues Traveler all showed up that night. You don't know what you'll get.
    $30 per ticket service fee was a bit much for Opry tickets, so we opted against getting them.
    Matt M
    Matt M
    yeah, I get it. There weren't any Ryman shows we wanted while there and really wanted to do one or the other.
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