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  • I can’t believe my wife and my bro convinced me to fly Air Canada.
    Thank you for the feedback. Air Canada is a layover option from Portland on the way to Japan, but in the budget range. It appears that I will avoid a layover up north if at all possible in the future.
    @Rip_City I’ve never had trouble with any international flights with Air Canada, so you’d probably be fine. Their domestic flights on the other hand are atrocious. Basically every domestic flight I’ve had with them since the pandemic has had delays or been cancelled (and rebooked at less convenient times). In flight service is good, but not exceptional.
    Melt Face Molly Drop
    Melt Face Molly Drop
    The first time I flew AC they denied me boarding (didn’t assign me a seat due to overbooking). Two other families were also denied. They gave me $1600 and it was a work trip so I wasn’t too upset, but had that been a vacation trip I’d be pissed. Never again.
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    Do you file/organize Classical albums by the composer or conductor?
    8.5 minutes into filleting fish is a bad time to realize your version of Music from Big Pink is 45 RPM.

    RIP Robbie Robertson
    Thought about tickets for Beyoncé, but...$2000 for B-Hive, $1200 for floor tickets, $500 for lower bowl, $200 for nosebleeds? do people afford to go to concerts regularly nowadays?
    Oh yeah inflations jacked everything up a bit in the past few years. Most everythings about $20 higher than you think it'd be, not counting fees and such. Miss living in Brooklyn when you could hit up DIY shows each night for $5-$10, see 3-4 good acts as openers and a notable headliner.
    @DJSJ I remember going out every weekend in Nola, 1-2 shows and they were always $5-$10 unless it was a bigger known punk act. Those were around $20 tops.
    @Rip_City Has it right. My cap for artists is Isbell and The National. Once they have graduated to arenas, I'm out. I see a lot of the shows at a Nashville club that holds 150 people for $10.
    Has anyone ever tried to inventory their CDs in Discogs? Did you create/use a different account than your standard vinyl one?
    What's really scary from this news to me is that, if a band can't make money touring, and the streaming payout split is broken, so how can a band make enough money to still be a band?
    There's exceptions to this, but I had noticed, even pre-covid that there weren't as many "bands" out there as there used to be. More solo artists that would have a backing band. It might be easier to "be a band" when one person takes the credit and lionshare of the money by contracting session musicians or paying friends to tour separately. I wonder if that could be why too.
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    @JonnyH I agree that acts will have to tour more regionally. And it's a scary thought if bands can't make money touring and make significantly less w/ streaming, how are bands going to financially make it work. Not everybody can be born into money or has a side hustle as an electrician. Here in Canada we have Factor grants that subsidize Canadian acts touring, but not every country is that socialist.
    I hate moral conundrums. Like…whether to go to my first concert in 2+ years, or show support for my union siblings and not cross a picket line at the venue. Ugh.
    So we get Monday, Sept 19th off for the passing of the Queen, the symbol of colonialism.
    And then we also get Sept. 30th off for Truth and Reconciliation Day to reflect on the negative impacts of colonialism?
    Not complaining about days off, but that's a weird juxtaposition.
    Need to expand my running playlist from 5 to 10 hours. Please give me all your favourite workout songs.
    #Heardle #109

    Daughter: How do you get them all with like 2 notes? That’s ridiculous.
    Me: 🤷‍♂️ Imagine if I used my brain for something positive?
    Daughter: But alas, you like music instead.
    Me: ☠️ (I will now be up all night contemplating all the different things I could’ve learned instead of music trivia.)
    Listening to Kelly Joe Phelps’ Roll Away the Stone with the sun shining in is a great way to start the weekend. Was sad to hear he passed this week; if you like acoustic blues, definitely go back and check out his discography.
    Had no idea he had passed! Used to see Kelly Joe play several times a month here in Portland, back in the 90's. He was always playing at countless local venues, or would inevitably be playing in the corner of the brunch spot you picked on the weekend (Cafe Lena was a regular gig). So incredibly talented, and always seemed like such a humble guy. Lead Me On is another great KJP release, such an amazing debut.
    Usually someone has to die young first - Nirvana, Joy Division, Tupac etc.
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    Joe Mac
    Joe Mac
    I think it’s precisely what makes them continue to be of interest. Come in, offend and shock everyone and disappear, leaving people hanging. Had they released a proper second album their appeal and shock would have been diluted and they’d likely have been long forgotten.
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    I think the Pistols are hugely influential, but also overrated musically, while being truly groundbreaking for selling the public such a manufactured music product.

    And Jeff Buckley would likely be a more apt comparison in terms of limited studio stuff vs. legacy. Nirvana had 3 full studio albums, plus a full compilation of studio recorded B-Sides when Cobain passed.
    Taxes filed! Return incoming…Upgrade my mountain bike or upgrade my speakers?
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    I mean, it wasn't when I made my initial comment - but being un-sneaky while living in bear country is very much a good thing.
    I snuck up on a bear inadvertently walking home (drunk) from work one night (at 3 or 4 am) when I lived in the Rockies. Fortunately it was more interested in the dumpster than me, but I fuckin' near shat myself! I had just realized how quiet I was being and started jangling the change in my pocket a second or two before I rounded the corner about 15 feet from it. 😬
    I've had a few bear encounters, they do get the heart rate going. Thankfully only had to use my bear spray once, and even that was more because I was nervous than it was necessary.
    FFS. Suddenly have a week off to listen to records as I tested positive for Covid. Feel great, ran 19km yesterday. Please send thoughts, prayers, and jazz records.
    It's so weird. I feel pretty good. I just felt a scratchy throat doing Yoga this morning and self-tested. 3 years ago I would've taken some Vitamin C and gone to work, now I have the week off teaching. Could be worse, but I'm glad I have 1200 sick hours banked up. This would be not so good for folks who don't have paid sick leave.
    1200 hours!? Bro at a certain point you should just start saying I have 8 MONTHS of time off. Get well soon though. And maybe call off “sick” more often.
    Unions are the best. I "earn" a sick day a month. I (thankfully) don't get sick too often, and I've been teaching at the same school for 18 years, so it adds up. I do take the occasional mental health day when I'm feeling burned out, but I always feel bad if students have a project or lab they are working on. Plus setting up lessons for a sub is usually more work than being there.
    That feeling of dread when you get the Amazon parcel delivery notification photo and see your vinyl is wrapped in a plastic bag on your doorstep instead of a Cardboard mailer.
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