Example: Is the left audio channel the red or white RCA Cable


Now Spinning
May 15, 2019
Salem, MA
This is an example question thread to demonstrate the new functionality of question forum types in XenForo 2.2.

So which is it, what color is the left audio channel cable?
The way question forums work is the original question is always on top, separate from other replays.

Users have the ability upvote or downvote replies. The original poster, mods and admins can select the reply that answers the question as the answer. The selected answer will always show as the first reply.

This forum type will make it much easier to sort through replies to questions and get to the answer.

If we have questions as their own question post, new and other users can easily find the answer if they have the same question.
Perhaps. But I don't think it hurts to have it.
Not arguing against it necessarily, just want to be clear on what I might expect to see if there's a particularly busy or controversial discussion that pops up. Since the rest of the forum relies on heavily on the threaded discussion aspect, it could be a paradigm shift to not do what you and I are doing right now.
Perhaps. But I don't think it hurts to have it.

On the contrary I think it’s a total waste of bandwidth and server space. Even this answer where white was taken uncontroversially as the answer I have RCA’s with blue as left making Andy right and gear with black as left making me right. And we were both only joking really. I just think that this just isn’t fit for our purpose...