October 2021 Vinyl Spin Challenge Thread: Let's Get Lexical, Lexical


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2019
Central Coast, CA
I like words, so I’ve picked a different word for each day (some rarer and weirder than others), shared its definition, and… that’s it. You get to decide how it connects to your pick for the day and the explanation can be as creative and/or convoluted as you like. No link is too tenuous, no choice too obvious. Go crazy! Or don’t! I’m not the boss of you!

As always, try to play something different, feel free to catch up but don't jump ahead (unless you really have to for some reason), etc...


The words of the day are:

1. Liminal - (adj.) of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process; occupying a place on both sides of a boundary

2. Fissiparous - (adj.) inclined to cause or undergo division into separate parts or groups

3. Epistemic - (adj.) of or relating to knowledge or to the degree of its validation

4. Maunder - (v.) to talk in a rambling manner

5. Desiderium - (n.) an ardent desire or longing, especially a feeling of grief for something lost

6. Chthonic - (adj.) concerning, belonging to, or inhabiting the underworld

7. Dragoon - (v.) to coerce someone into doing something

8. Septentrional - (adj.) northern

9. Peroration - (n.) the concluding part of a speech, typically intended to inspire enthusiasm

10. Adamantine - (adj.) unbreakable

11. Tsuris - (n.) trouble or woe, aggravation

12. Hortatory - (adj.) tending or aiming to exhort

13. Dithyramb - (n.) a wild choral hymn of ancient Greece, especially one dedicated to Dionysus

14. Toothsome - (adj.) (of food) temptingly tasty

15. Nostrum - (n.) a medicine, especially one that is not considered effective, prepared by an unqualified person

16. Meliorism - (n.) a belief that the world can be made better by human effort

17. Fusty - (adj.) smelling stale, damp, or stuffy; old-fashioned attitude or style

18. Saponaceous - (adj.) of, like, or containing soap; soapy

19. Sedulous - (adj.) showing dedication and diligence

20. Factotum - (n.) an employee who does all kinds of work

21. Hierophant - (n.) a person, especially a priest in ancient Greece, who interprets sacred mysteries and esoteric principles

22. Crapulent - (adj.) of or relating to the drinking of alcohol or drunkenness

23. Internecine - (adj.) destructive to both sides of a conflict

24. Panjandrum - (n.) a person who has or claims to have a great deal of authority or influence

25. Autarky - (n.) self-sufficiency, independence

26. Laconic - (adj.) using very few words

27. Sibylline - (adj.) prophetic and mysterious

28. Rapprochement - (n.) an establishment or resumption of harmonious relations

29. Pertinacious - (adj.) holding firmly to an opinion or a course of action

30. Timorous - (adj.) showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence

31. Hauntological - (adj.) a concept referring to the return or persistence of elements of the past, as in the manner of a ghost.
I'm gonna warn y'all right up front - I won my 3rd grade spelling bee. Let's get it on...

1. Liminal - (adj.) of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process; occupying a place on both sides of a boundary

The title says it all. On these new songs, Coltrane has one foot in the past and one foot moving forward, all while straddling the present.

John Coltrane - Both Directions At Once

Day #1 - Liminal - (adj.) of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process; occupying a place on both sides of a boundary.

Genesis still were more of a prog band than the later pop rock they would become in the early 80's, but the transition was beginning with this first album without Peter Gabriel.

Genesis – A Trick Of The Tail
ATCO Records – SD 36-129, 1976

Cut at Atlantic Studios
Pressed at Monarch


Day 01: Liminal (adj.): of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process; occupying a place on both sides of a boundary

The Beastie Boys - Paul’s Boutique
Paul’s Boutique was a liminal album for the Beasties. They were transitioning from being a bro centric party rap group into more substantial artists. This album also marks their resettlement from their New York City home to Los Angeles. The groups sound would continue to evolve from Paul’s Boutique forward but this album marked a major turning point for the group.

Day 1: Liminal

The Doobie Brothers
- Takin’ It to the Streets


For sure a transitional work in the Doobie’s canon, in between the harder boogie rock of their early work with Tom Johnston (who was beginning to leave the group due to his health issues) and their later R&B influenced work with his replacement Michael McDonald.
Day 01: Liminal (adj.): of or relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process; occupying a place on both sides of a boundary

You could probably use today's word to describe the Grateful Dead in a few ways. I'm going to go with the strength of their seamless transitions between songs. That to me is one of the great things about them - those slight changes that build up to a place where they create a boundary between the two songs, and then resolve it. See China Cat Sunflower --> I Know You Rider from this release for a great example.

Grateful Dead ~ Europe '72

Day 1: Liminal

The Doobie Brothers
- Takin’ It to the Streets

View attachment 113740

For sure a transitional work in the Doobie’s canon, in between the harder boogie rock of their early work with Tom Johnston (who was beginning to leave the group due to his health issues) and their later R&B influenced work with his replacement Michael McDonald.