Needle Doctor Closes Suddenly

HiFi Guy

All Things Audio
May 15, 2019
Lakeland, Florida
Posted by Needle Doctor on another site 9/22/19.

"After 40 years, The Needle Doctor is closing its doors, effective immediately. We are incredibly grateful for the support you've shown us, both locally in the Twin Cities and globally. What started as a tiny little shop on the University of Minnesota campus grew into a world-wide analog haven. The staff was never larger than 10 or so people, which should say all that needs to be said about the work ethic of those that wore the hat. Customer service was always the centerpiece; whether it was helping music lovers solve problems, helping seasoned vets take the next step with their system, or helping grandparents find a flip-over needle for their console stereo. Every day was an adventure. We hope that our love for analog and our friendly service set us apart from the rest. With that, one last thank you to everyone who's been a part of this journey. It's been a pleasure. The Needle Doctor is dead. Long live The Needle Doctor."
That sucks. However, I can't find any mention of that on their website. Seems like that would go on their front page.
That sucks. However, I can't find any mention of that on their website. Seems like that would go on their front page.

Steve Hoffman himself verified this legit.

Numerous reasons could cause the suddenness and lack of tying up loose ends- none of which are good. Sorry to see them go.
Nooooooo! They are maybe 10 mins from me. I bought a few items from them over the years. They were super helpful and no pressure. A real loss. I love direct sales models with manufacturers, but this might be the compromise
Was thinking the same thing, their not just closing the brick and mortar and keeping the online store are they?
I was speculating that maybe they might be planning to sell off the brand, but with no updates it's hard to say. I read somewhere else that no one can reach them via phone or email. I hope they don't have a bunch of orders sitting in limbo.
Oof, I hope this isn't another debacle like when Sound Stage Direct shut down but kept taking orders.