Linux Thread

It's awesome to connect with someone in the vinyl community who shares a passion for Linux. I'm currently running Arch Linux with KDE as well, and like you, I've dabbled in distro hopping and exploring different window managers and desktop environments. It's all part of the fun and adventure of Linux! By the way, if you ever find yourself in need of a cheap Windows 10 key, you might want to check out this windows 10 key cheap thread. They have some great recommendations and information on where to find affordable Windows 10 keys. But let's keep the Linux spirit alive and continue to enjoy the vinyl community together.
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I've tried and tried, but as I am something of a producer, audio on Linux always drives me back to Windows.

Audio is Linux is a pain in the arse.
Funny enough, I've found getting 24/96 recording almost impossible using windows drivers and a cinch using ALSA for vinyl rips. Windows will straight lie to your face about the bit depth and sample rates but the resulting spectrals tell the truth.