July 2019 Vinyl Challenge

Wicked Dreamer

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019
Edmonton, AB
Hello all, welcome to the July 2019 N&G Vinyl Challenge Thread, hosted by moi!

This month's gonna be a little different, as rather than just laying out all of this month's themes for you on the first post, I will instead be announcing them on a daily basis. The theme for the first day will be announced tonight at midnight eastern time/9pm pacific time, and all the other days of the month will be announced at that same time on the night before that specific day (dunno if the way I said that makes any sense to you, but that's how I was able to best describe it).

As with last month's thread (shout out @ranbalam), this isn't a contest with eliminations and whatnot, you are free to interpret each topic in your own way, try to play something different each day and something that someone else hasn't played that same day, you can catch up later if you fall behind (or just jump in on a random day if you want to) and don't be shy about telling us stories about your selection, yet you're not obligated to elaborate on it if you don't want to.

Got all that? Alrighty then, let's go!
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Theme Index

Day 1: O Canada
A Canadian record

Day 2: Two-sday
A record involving the number 2

Day 3: BBQ
A record you'd play at a barbecue

Day 4: ‘Murica!
A record that’s American/U.S. inspired/U.S. themed

Day 5: TGIF
An upbeat party record

Day 6: Amazon
A record you bought off Amazon

Day 7: 7"
A 7" record

Day 8: I Don’t Like Mondays
A record to mentally prepare you for the week ahead

Day 9: Triple
A triple album

Day 10: Piano
A record with piano on it

Day 11: An Oldie But A Goodie
The oldest record in your collection

Day 12: Rain
A record perfect for a rainy day

Day 13: Cleaning
A record you like to play while you clean

Day 14: Soul Sunday
A soul record

Day 15: Saxophone
A record with saxophone on it

Day 16: AOTY
Your favourite record of the year so far
*Duplicate entries are allowed*

Day 17: Live and In Stereo
A live record

Day 18: Novelty
A novelty record

Day 19: Favourite Instrument
A record that includes your favourite instrument

Day 20: Sexy Saturday
A sexy record

Day 21: Holy Sunday
A religious record (or a record based on religion or inspired by religious music)

Day 22: Colourful
A multi-coloured record

Day 23: Plain Jane
A record pressed on black vinyl

Day 24: Label
An album from a record label you’re favourable towards

Day 25: Extended Play

Day 26: Indie Exclusive
A record or variant of a record exclusive to indie record shops

Day 27: Underplayed
A record you don’t play very often (or at all)

Day 28: The Jazziest of Sundays
A jazz record

Day 29: New Arrival
A record you bought within the last month

Day 30: Final Curtain Call
The final record released by an artist/band

Day 31: So Nice, You Play It Twice
A record you’ve played for this challenge
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Most would peg me to go with Neil Young here - he's my guy and responsible for the largest slice of my LP collection pie - but it seems lots of folks erroneously identify Neil more with Cali and the USA. I want to honor an artist that's unmistakably Canadian and revered and treasured as such.

Miss you Gord.

The Tragically Hip - Live Between Us

I come from downtown
Born ready for you
Armed with will and determination
And grace, too

Day 1 - O●CAN●ADA

Without question, the greatest to ever come from Canadialand

Carly Slay Legendsen - E●MO●TION

Day 1 - O●CAN●ADA

Without question, the greatest to ever come from Canadialand

Carly Slay Legendsen - E●MO●TION

Aw damn, you beat me to it! Looks like you've forced me to play Snow's Informer now.

EDIT: Of course I meant Snow's 12 Inches of Snow, which is the album that "Informer" comes from, duh.
Handsome Furs: Face Control (2009)

Nice set of tunes you can stomp to, by one of the guys from Wolf Parade (who made a number of records that I considered playing instead). I picked this because I've neglected it. In fact, I don't think I've played it for about eight years, so I'm very grateful for the vinyl challenge to give me this opportunity to revisit this great record.

Day 1 - O Canada

I go into this challenge knowing I will certainly fail. I counted at least 10 days this month I’ll be without a turntable (camping/going up north). Still, I’ll try.

Here’s one of the better indie rock records of the early 00s.

The Unicorns - Who Will Cut Our Hair When We’re Gone?
