Listening to a one million dollar system (Dan D'Agostino, Wilson Audio, dCS Audio)


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2019
Back in early September, a buddy and I went to the unveiling of the Dan D'Agostino Relentless 800 monoblock amps at Innovative Audio (great dealer!) in here NYC. The first thing you notice about the Relentless 800 monoblock amps are the sheer size of them. And to think that this is the "smaller brother" to the Relentless Epic 1600. The Relentless 800 is physically imposing and weighs in at 320 pounds each. They will drive anything with ease. 800 watts at 8 ohms. 1600 watts at 4 ohms. 3200 watts at 2 ohms.

The Relentless 800s.



Literature and specs.



The speakers being driven by the Relentless 800s were the Wilson Audio Chronosonic XVX, which were connected with Transparent OPUS speaker cables.




Source was digital via a dCS Audio Vivaldi stack. There was a TechDAS Air Force III Premium turntable, but that wasn't played. Preamp was Dan D’Agostino (model escapes me).

dCS Vivaldi stack.


TechDAS Air Force III Premium turntable and D'Agostino preamp




The main takeaway listening to this system is that everything just seemed effortless, even at lower volumes. Lots of authority, power, and slam. It's an enveloping sound that's hard to describe unless you've heard it. I've heard Wilson, D'Agostino, and dCS Audio quite a few times, but this was different. It felt like there were multiple subs everywhere even though there wasn't. The bass was deep, clean, refined, and forceful. I suppose it goes without saying that if a hifi costs around a million bucks, then it better do things right. Well yes, this system did things right. I can unequivocally say that this is the best stereo that I've ever heard.

Now, who has an extra million bucks and a spare penthouse for me to house this in?
I like the aesthetic of the dCS stuff (and I don’t normally like the silver stuff). But the rest of that system is UGLY. If it cost $2000 my wife would nix it on looks alone.
I like the aesthetic of the dCS stuff (and I don’t normally like the silver stuff). But the rest of that system is UGLY. If it cost $2000 my wife would nix it on looks alone.

I dig the looks. It's like a combination of steampunk and industrial.
I dig the looks. It's like a combination of steampunk and industrial.
I mean I guess. Just isn’t the relaxing vibe I’m going for in my listening room. Does kind of look like a system Neo would have in his little studio apartment before meeting Morpheus.
Yeah, even if I had the money, not sure I’d want to spend it this way.

Alright. Same dealer, a different room during a previous visit last year. You have the money and space. You buying?

System is the Wilson Audio Alexx V speakers powered by Spectral Audio DMA-400 monoblock power amps. There is also a pair of Lamm Model M1.2 monoblocks and a VTL S-400. Other gear in the room is VTL, Spectral Audio, and Naim.





Alright. Same dealer, a different room during a previous visit last year. You have the money and space. You buying?

System is the Wilson Audio Alexx V speakers powered by Spectral Audio DMA-400 monoblock power amps. There is also a pair of Lamm Model M1.2 monoblocks and a VTL S-400. Other gear in the room is VTL, Spectral Audio, and Naim.





What is the white things that looks like a fake specimen fridge in a lab in a zombie movie. Those Wilsons look more like an old school arcade game.
Alright. Same dealer, a different room during a previous visit last year. You have the money and space. You buying?

System is the Wilson Audio Alexx V speakers powered by Spectral Audio DMA-400 monoblock power amps. There is also a pair of Lamm Model M1.2 monoblocks and a VTL S-400. Other gear in the room is VTL, Spectral Audio, and Naim.





If I ever owned a system like this and anyone I know saw it, they'd lock me up and regret they hadn't thought to do it sooner.
The white box thing in front of the room treatment between the monoblocks? Or maybe it’s silver. Appears to have some kind of computer display.