Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

i wanted to swap for that Tony Rice but like everyone else, the swap buttons didn't appear until it was too late. went with Labelle as I've had that one in my backlog for a bit. also figure i'm playing with house money at this point so whatever. hope next quarter isn't a garbage pile like this one was.
Well I figured the Ted Lucas may be too good to be true, it wasn't even in the swap options today prior to going live so looks like it was a mistake... Wah wahhh
Were you the guy on Reddit threatening to go ham on the VMP offices if he didn't get that in swaps today?
i wanted to swap for that Tony Rice but like everyone else, the swap buttons didn't appear until it was too late. went with Labelle as I've had that one in my backlog for a bit. also figure i'm playing with house money at this point so whatever. hope next quarter isn't a garbage pile like this one was.
the tony rice has a black version with the same plates for $30 elsewhere.
In the old days, sclusies sold out fast. I don’t even remember when that changed. There were times when technical glitches would lead to you not being able to get something. For those of us long in the tooth with the company, stuff sitting around was kind of a sign of a failed item - whether it be our lord and savior, Tabakin, or Perro Del Mar.

I think these smaller things get a lot of side eyes these days because VMPs shit is (mostly) expensive. It was easier to take a flyer on something at $18 or $20.

Also, seemingly by comments from staff on discord, they weren’t aware that people waited for shit to show up in swaps to be had for cheaper - at least not to the extent it is done.

I also think they had a captive audience who were heavily under the influence of FOMO. I bought some amount of stuff that I really should have known I wouldn’t like…